I am writing this blog post because I need to get something off of my chest and seeing how this is my blog, I can say whatever I want and if people don't like it, they can just not read it.
I just read an article on cnn.com about how McDonald's is revamping their Happy Meals because they're partially to blame for childhood obesity. THIS IS RIDICULOUS. Happy Meals are not to blame for childhood obesity. Parents not being responsible (for the most part) is. Just because your kid wants to go to McD's doesn't mean you have to take them. Just because you are in a hurry after work doesn't mean you have to go for fast food. Boil some noodles and make a quick marinara from diced tomatoes. It isn't that hard and it doesn't take more than 15 minutes. And honestly, from my experience, kids don't even finish their meals at McD's. Half the time is spent trying to get them out of the play place to eat. KIDS WANT TO PLAY. Make them a quick dinner and then go to a park so they can get some outdoor time. Quit blaming other people because your kids are fat.
I also wish people would quit telling me what foods are "healthy and unhealthy". The food I eat is not what made me fat. I really didn't change my eating habits that much when I gained 50 pounds. Sitting at a desk all day and never exercising made me fat. I am the only person or thing to blame for being fat.