Monday, November 12, 2012

Bad Blogger

That's me.  A bad, bad blogger. 
Nothing new is really happening for us right now, we've just been saving up to finish the bathroom (with a lot of car issues along the way to derail us!) and that should be happening this week!  Nic's sister is staying with us for Thanksgiving, and we want to have the bathroom upstairs done by then!
We have painted it, but I am going to repaint because I decided I like the green color better for the laundry room.  Hopefully I'll have a completed post by next week!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Ok, so it turns out I was wrong.  The kitchen is not going to be our first project.  Right after we moved in, the toilet in the main upstairs bath decided to crap out. (ha)  Originally I just thought that we could buy a new toilet and work on the bathroom at a later time, but the previous owners had one of those weird countertops that extends over the toilet, and we couldn't find a toilet we could afford that was short enough to squeeze under.  So, bathroom redo!  Yay!
This is the view of the bathroom from out in the hall.  Sorry its messy, but I didn't feel like cleaning it all up before I took the pictures! 

Here's a closer up of the toilet bench counter and the weird built in the wall medicine cabinet.  Also, sorry the pictures are blurry.  Someday I won't have to use my camera phone.  Notice the ginormous mirror.  Nic is not sad to see that go.  He says it's weird to watch yourself pee.

So, here is what we have so far...

No toilet, no vanity, no floor, no mirror, no weird medicine cabinet.  But, we did buy a new light fixture which you can see in the bathtub.  We don't have lots of extra money for renovations, so I'll keep you posted as we get stuff done!

Monday, January 23, 2012

{BIGGEST} Project I've Ever Had.

So, on January 12th, Nic and I started living The American Dream.  That's right.  We bought a house.  I must say, I think the outside of our house is really ugly.  I think some curb appeal and paint will change my opinion, but for now, here she is!
I hate the blue color, so I'm going to have Nic paint it eventually, and the bushes have got to go (someone is going to murder me and nobody will be able to see it).  But, overall, she's great for a starter house.

Best news, we've already begun the first big project:  KITCHEN SPRUCING! 
I'll post some more pictures once we're done with that.  :)