Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Crafts from a 4 day weekend!

Ok, truth be told, I didn't do much crafting.  But here are a couple projects that I finished over the long weekend.

Zeda's dog treat jar started as this $5 jar from Ikea.

And then I taped out a good size rectangle and painted the inside with chalkboard spray paint.
And then I cut a vinyl frame on the cricut to go around the chalkboard.
Looks pretty good, right?

The second craft I finished was a 9x13 pan my mom found on clearance at Walmart.

I think the fancy edges are awesome, so I didn't want anyone to steal it.

So, we used some glass etching cream and put my name in it!  I know, not a difficult craft, but I think it looks pretty cute!

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